Our letter to the people backing Nazi-sympathising candidate for MP

Nazi-sympathiser stands as Independent candidate for Stroud’s MP

Richard House & Marcus Blackett have nominated the Cheltenham resident, who shares Hitler quotes and promotes the idea we should have fought on Hitler’s side, not against him

Dear Richard, Marcus, and associates,

We note that Richard House and Marcus Blackett have nominated and seconded an individual, Saskia Whitfield, as Independent candidate for Stroud in the General Election.

We also note that the “Info Hub” stall on the High Street has a large banner encouraging people to vote for Independent candidates, and the same recommendation is made in “The “Light” paper that you distribute from the stall.

We have looked at the candidate Richard and Marcus have nominated, Saskia Whitfield.

On her social media, Saskia Whitfield quotes Hitler. She denies there was any deliberate massacre of Jews in the Holocaust. She promotes claims that Britain’s Allies “fought on the wrong side” in WW2 and “should have fought with the fascists…not the other way round”, mentioning that her grandfather was “in the Luftwaffe”. She repeatedly shares a fascist history website headed with a Joseph Goebbels quote from January 1945 about a “Jewish Clique”. She states that LGBTQ “Pride Is A Sin”. She repeatedly puts forward the idea that Hitler “cleaned up perverted Berlin” and that “once again” it’s time to do the same. [see screenshots below]

These are not cherry-picked nor very old comments – not that that would be OK. Most of them are very recent, and there are many more in this vein.

We think most people in Stroud will be as appalled as us at the idea that someone with these ideas should be put forward as a potential Member of Parliament for the area.

  1. Were you aware that she held these ideas? Or did you propose her as a candidate without checking her social media output?
  2. As you have nominated her candidacy, please tell us if you support these ideas? 
  3. Where did Whitfield get the idea these views might find a receptive audience in Stroud?
  4. Do you still support her candidacy? 

We look forward to your response, which we will make public alongside this letter [see below],

Yours sincerely,

Community Solidarity Stroud District

Copied to Stroud News and Journal, Stroud Times, Amplify Stroud


We sent our open letter above to Richard House, Marcus Blackett and the media organisations listed at 8.56pm on Sunday 23rd June 2024. As of Wednesday 26th June, the only substantive replies we have received from people who nominated and seconded the candidate are as follows:

  • At 10.47pm on Sunday 23rd June, Marcus Blackett said: “which social media please? There’s nothing on FaceBook”
  • At 11.42am on Monday 24th June, Marcus Blackett asked “can you please provide references, thank you.”

We sent the screenshots published below at 1.03pm on Tuesday 25th June, before receiving the following response:

  • At 11.24am on Tuesday 25th June, Marcuss Blackett said “my comment is: sheer puerilty and Richard via text as he is on holiday is: We will not be timetabled by any arrogantly dictated ‘deadlines’

We had not mentioned any deadlines, only that the letter had been copied to local media. If we receive further substantive responses from those who nominated and seconded the candidate, we may publish them here.


Content warning – antisemitism and homophobia.

What follows is a small selection of representative posts by Saskia Whitfield. They are not cherry picked, and not old. There are many other recent posts in a similar vein. They are deeply unpleasant and we choose to share only the bare minimum necessary to make the point.

Saskia Whitfield quotes Hitler

    She denies there was any deliberate massacre of the Jews, by sharing comprehensively debunked theories about the gas chambers, as well as numerous other posts with other familiar holocaust denial tropes

      She promotes claims that Britain’s Allies “fought on the wrong side” in WW2 and “should have fought with the fascists…not the other way round”, mentioning that her grandfather was “in the Luftwaffe”.

        She repeatedly shares a fascist history website headed with a Joseph Goebbels quote from January 1945 about a “Jewish Clique”.

        She states that LGBTQ “Pride Is A Sin”.

          She repeatedly puts forward the idea that Hitler “cleaned up perverted Berlin” and that “once again” it’s time to do the same.

            3 thoughts on “Our letter to the people backing Nazi-sympathising candidate for MP

            1. Thank you for exposing this person. She certainly enjoys the respect of the light paper team. Who now seek to gain political influence and already believe that they have influenced the political landscape by their presence at hustings and conversations with other candidates. We live in very dark times. These manoeuvres were the stock in trade of the rise of the Nazis!!!


            2. all this is to divert your attention from what is actually in the paper while proclaiming they found racism and Nazism.


            3. Marcus Blackett’s response is that “all this is to divert your attention from what is actually in the paper while proclaiming they found racism and Nazism” – what sort of response is that. The question is why would anyone support a candidate that has such views? If the Light newspaper has, in error, supported Saskia Whitfield then they should openly say so and if they do support her then they should make her views known in their newspaper and stop masquerading.


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