Remember the Beacon? Still a Gateway to extreme right wing ideas

Remember The Beacon – the shop that once served as HQ for the anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists in Stroud? You might remember the window displays minimising and trivialising the coronavirus, described as ‘dangerous and completely wrong on all levels‘ by a local GP. Or the poster introducing the people of Stroud to the writings of proto-fascist Gustave Le Bon. The window displays have gone, but some of the people behind the shop continue to organise events in Stroud. 

The latest was a talk last Saturday night (4th June 2022) by DJ Mark Devlin, whose podcasts include interviews with flat-earther and editor of The Light Darren Nesbitt, transphobe Tony Sayers, Holocaust denier Nicholas Kollerstrom, and with raving Jew-hater Henry Makow, just for example. Devlin describes Makow as “controversial”; others would say bizarre racist, since Makow spends his time on “…the claim that the Holocaust was grossly exaggerated, and that the document known as the Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion was genuine” (when in reality it was a notorious antisemitic forgery created by the Tsar’s secret police, spread by Jew-haters including the Nazis ever since). If you want to see more of this just search for “Henry Makow”. Devlin is also a speaker on the circuit of something called “Keep Talking”, where climate change deniers rub shoulders with Holocaust deniers and far-right politicians.

At the Stroud event Devlin didn’t focus on this, instead boring audiences with warmed-over drivel about “clues” revealing the occult involvement of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. The idea is that those who are drawn in by this rubbish will follow him on Twitter (see example tweets below) and listen to his podcasts, where they will gradually be exposed to “controversial” Holocaust denial, antisemitism and conspiracy theories about the pandemic and the environmental movement.

Once again The Beacon is a vehicle for introducing people in Stroud to the ideas, organisations and personalities of the extreme right. More to follow on other Beacon events.

tweets from @djmarkdevlin

1. "19 as in Covid? As in Arab hijackers? As in convenient timing for another attempted gun grab ahead of any anticipated uprisings? And the gunman conveniently dead so no further questions asked or hint of any "conspiracy.'" with link to a site called US national news with headline "Funerals for Uvalde victims begin"

2. "Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid" and link to website
Two example tweets from Devlin. In the first tweet he bizarrely and offensively suggests that the 19 children and 2 adults children killed by a gunman at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas are somehow part of some sort of ‘conspiracy’ that conspiracists have left a ‘clue’ about through the number 19, rather than a particularly horrific event among over 200 mass shootings in the USA in 2022 alone. In the second he – again, bizarrely and offensively – shares claims ‘There Never Was a Pandemic’ (despite COVID-19 being listed as at least a contributory cause of death on the death certificates of over 195,000 people who had lived in the UK as of June 2022, the SARS-COV-2 virus being associated with the deaths of at least 6.3 million people globally, and millions of people having negative experiences to varying degrees of infections and post-infection symptoms known as ‘Long Covid’). 

One thought on “Remember the Beacon? Still a Gateway to extreme right wing ideas

  1. I suspected for a long time that there was more to the Light than just vaccines and lockdown. It has been the Trojan horse for right-wing ideas for a long time. Sadly picked up and believed by the misinformed politically ignorant. A mixture of daily mail and the sun readers. Or just people who say they are not interested in politics but swallow wholesale the lies perpetuated by this rag of a paper.


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