Open Letter – please withdraw the invitation to James Delingpole to speak in Stroud

The “Stroud Freedom Group” have organised a public meeting in Stroud to be addressed by James Delingpole. In this letter we provide details of Delingpole’s background which explain why we oppose this invitation and encourage people to boycott this event.

Delingpole has a long history not only of denying the science around climate change, but of attacking climate scientists and activists, to the point of repeatedly inciting violence.

In a 2013 column for the Daily Telegraph, Delingpole attacked climatologist and geophysicist Michael E Mann, journalist and climate activist George Monbiot and Australian scientist and environmentalist Tim Flannery. 

The article begins by suggesting climate scientist “Michael Mann be given the electric chair”, “George Monbiot be hanged by the neck”, and “Tim Flannery be fed to the crocodiles”. Delingpole then tries to excuse himself from making these horrendous suggestions by arguing that “The last thing I would want is for Monbiot, Mann, Flannery, Jones, Hansen and the rest of the Climate rogues’ gallery to be granted the mercy of quick release… Hanging is far too good for such ineffable toerags.” 

Delingpole writes that “it would be nice to think one day that there would be a Climate Nuremberg” and an image from the Nuremberg trials in which Nazis were tried for “war crimes” and “crimes against humanity” accompanied the piece. The Telegraph’s caption is simply, “Not pictured: Monbiot, Flannery, Mann….”. 

This incitement to violence and suggestion of an equivalence between studying or working to reduce the impacts of climate change and the Nazi genoide is beyond disgusting. However, it is not the only example of Delingpole endorsing hateful rhetoric.

In 2012, Delingpole wrote a feature article in The Australian newspaper in which he quoted an anonymous New South Wales sheep farmer, as saying, “The wind farm business is bloody well near a pedophile [sic] ring. They’re f . . king [sic] our families and knowingly doing so.” 

The Australian Press Council, described this as “highly offensive” and argued that “the level of offensiveness is so high that it outweighs the very strong public interest in freedom of speech”. Rather than accept the adjudication of the Council, Delingpole published a further piece in which he doubled-down, arguing “that the analogy may be somewhat offensive to the paedophile community.” 

The author of this ridiculously provocative and utterly ridiculous comparison does not deserve to be rewarded with an invitation to speak in public by the “Stroud Freedom Group”.

The reasons not to invite Delingpole extend beyond his contrarian views on climate change and appeals to violence. As Hope Not Hate write: “Delingpole describes himself as having been “redpilled” by the pandemic, a process which appears to have involved him embracing increasingly extreme conspiracy theories and their politically extreme proponents. Delingpole’s podcast has hosted unsavoury guests since it launched in 2019, with the fringe “race scientist” Edward Dutton among his earliest guests, but a rising number of guests associated with the traditional far right have appeared on the show in the past year. The most extreme of his recent guests was “Morgoth”, an anonymous blogger and video producer from North Tyneside whose offerings combine pseudo-intellectual conspiracy theories with vicious racism, antisemitism and Islamophobia… Other guests during 2021 included QAnon promoter Charlie Ward, neo-reactionary Ralph Masilimani and the then-Patriotic Alternative member Josh (aka Richard Lionheart).” 

In December 2021, Delingpole recorded an 85-minute video broadcast with Colin Robertson, a white nationalist. Robertson was suspended by YouTube in February 2021, following videos in which he said “violence, by which I mean civil war, is inevitable between us native Europeans and various immigrant groups” (2016) and enthused about “torpedo[ing] boats carrying refugees, describing in detail the “men, women, and children being blown to bits, and drowning in a mutilated form.”

In a 2012 article for The Spectator, Delingpole cites a modernised version of Kulturbolschewismus conspiracy used by Nazis to accuse Jewish intellectuals of degeneracy (translating as “cultural Bolshevism”) to explain the persistence of racism, writing “Much, if not most, of the racial tension we experience today has less to do with natural antipathy than it does with the idiot multiculturalist measures supposedly aimed at preventing it. We don’t talk about these things because cultural Marxism has very deliberately engineered a climate in which we are scared to do so.” The same term was the theme of fascist Anders Breivik’s “manifesto”, written before he killed 77 young social democrats on an island in Norway in 2011.

We imagine that the “Stroud Freedom Group” will try to divert this into a conversation about Delingpole’s “right to free speech”, and away from what he actually has to say. But Delingpole has over the years had plenty of opportunity to air his views all over the ‘mainstream media’, the Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, Daily Express, and Spectator as well as on his own podcast and in far-right channels. He has been able to publish books and become the London executive editor of Breitbart London (an arm of the media company known and described by original executive editor Steve Bannon as the “platform of the alt right”). The only question is why anyone in Stroud would feel it necessary to invite him, and other far-right influencers, to speak in our town.

We the undersigned urge all involved in the event to reconsider, and to withdraw the invitation to James Delingpole. If the event goes ahead, we suggest that people do not attend and thereby help pay what we must assume will be Delingpole’s hefty speaking fee. If you want to hear what he has to say, so that you can make your own mind up, he’s all over the internet.

Signed by,

Community Solidarity Stroud District

The following 217 individuals, in alphabetical order by first name:

  1. Adam Horovitz
  2. Adrian Blair
  3. Adrian Manning
  4. Adrian Oldman
  5. Alan Sage
  6. Alena Zavarin
  7. Alexci Swann
  8. Alice Faith Murray
  9. Alice Lovegrove
  10. Alison Widgery
  11. Allan Burns
  12. Amanda Sultan-Black
  13. Andrew Budd
  14. Andy Stayte
  15. Anna Bonallack
  16. Anna Woodford
  17. Anne Mackintosh
  18. Anthony Morris.
  19. Azra Sangster
  20. Barbara Imrie
  21. Bern Wakefield-Heath
  22. Brenda Cox
  23. Bridie March
  24. Carol Mathews
  25. Carole Oosthuysen
  26. Caroline Harmer
  27. Caroline Molloy
  28. Caroline Motzfeldt
  29. Catriona Bracker
  30. Charles Brimacombe
  31. Charles Wallis
  32. Chloe Turner
  33. Chris Fry
  34. Chris Pickard
  35. Chris Stockwell
  36. Christine Lee
  37. Christopher Hey
  38. Christopher Jockel
  39. Ciaran Whittall
  40. Cllr Doina Cornell
  41. Cllr Kate Crews
  42. Cllr Steve Hynd
  43. Connie Tongue
  44. Darina Cooper
  45. Denise Donnelly
  46. Denise Needleman
  47. Derek Ryden
  48. Dominic Thomas
  49. Dominique Lee
  50. Dotty Cooper
  51. Dr Natasha Wilson
  52. Elaine Weaving
  53. Elinor Croxall
  54. Elizabeth Holland
  55. Elizabeth Lee
  56. Elle Zwandahl
  57. Ellie Stafford
  58. Emily Finch
  59. Emily Walsh
  60. Emily Weaver
  61. Emma Calcutt
  62. Emma Riches
  63. Emma Seabrook
  64. Esther Carter
  65. Eva Goddard
  66. Eva Ward
  67. Fiona Ellis
  68. Fiona Stuart
  69. Fran Kellett
  70. Fran Mosley
  71. Francis Barton
  72. Francis Gobey
  73. Frank Milum-Palmer
  74. Gareth Kitchen
  75. Gareth Strachan
  76. Gareth Walsh
  77. Gareth Zimmerman BA, BEd, MEd
  78. Gavin McClafferty
  79. Gemma Sangwine
  80. Georgia Owen
  81. Georgie Strachan
  82. Hannah Boss
  83. Hanya Paradine
  84. Hebba Zedan
  85. Helen Elliott-Boult
  86. Helen Fenton
  87. Helen Hart
  88. Hilary Burgess
  89. Ione Mako
  90. Isa Clee
  91. J Nelson
  92. Jackie John
  93. Jagdish Patel
  94. James Beecher
  95. Jamie O’Dell
  96. Jamie Vans
  97. Jamila Gavin
  98. Jane Bates
  99. Jasmine Ghandour
  100. Jason Conway
  101. Jeff Gillett
  102. Jen Hoskins
  103. Jennifer Horsfall
  104. Jenny Kempson
  105. Jenny Rose
  106. Jeremy Green
  107. Jessica Cantoni
  108. Jessica Paradine
  109. Jodi Waldron
  110. Jodie Calcutt
  111. John Walmsley
  112. Jolyon Buckle
  113. Jon Wyatt
  114. Jonathan Holmes
  115. Josie Cowgill
  116. Jude Emmet
  117. Jude Smith
  118. Jude Stockwell
  119. Julia Berg
  120. Julie Cigman
  121. Jyoti Felce
  122. Karen Doe
  123. Kat Parker
  124. Kate Harrison
  125. Katherine Fey
  126. Kathryn Buckingham
  127. Kathy Trevelyan
  128. Kaye Welfare
  129. Kiera Jones
  130. Lara Pohl-Martell
  131. Laura Cullimore
  132. Laura Hazelchild
  133. Laurie Davies
  134. Les Jevins
  135. Lily Nicol
  136. Linda Chance
  137. Lisa Taylor
  138. Liz Cowan
  139. Liz Gibson
  140. Liz Terry
  141. Liz Whiteside
  142. Lorelai Prosser
  143. Lucia Jayaseelan
  144. Lucy Felce
  145. Lucy Garrett
  146. Luke Inder
  147. Lynn Haanen
  148. Malcolm Eva
  149. Marina Marvan
  150. Mark Hewlett
  151. Mark Stevens
  152. Mark Treacher
  153. Martin Stockwell
  154. Martin Whiteside – Green Party member
  155. Mary Inder
  156. Mathilde Louden
  157. Matilda Mathews Weir
  158. Megan Sheer
  159. Michael Reeks
  160. Michelle Chatham
  161. Mike McCarthy
  162. Miranda Pole
  163. Nabeela Akhtar
  164. Natalie Steffen
  165. Nell Benney
  166. Nick Mills
  167. Nick Weir
  168. Nicola Hill
  169. Nils Agger
  170. Nimue Brown
  171. Norah Kennedy
  172. Norman Kay
  173. Oisin Hayden Burrell
  174. Oliver Holmes
  175. Pam Shepherd
  176. Pammy Michell
  177. Pat Valentine
  178. Patricia Kattenhorn
  179. Paul Eagles
  180. Paul McKee
  181. Paul Roberts
  182. Paul Shevlin
  183. Paul Southcott
  184. Peter Seccombe
  185. Polly Stratton
  186. Prof Laurence Cox
  187. Rebecca Chambers
  188. Richard Erskine
  189. Rob Brookes
  190. Robert Hilliard
  191. Robin Collins
  192. Robin Drury-Layfield
  193. Rod Nelson B.Arch, ABHA, ARE
  194. Roger Plenty
  195. Rosalind Coombes
  196. Rose Harwood
  197. Roseanne Steffen
  198. Rosie Thresher
  199. Rosie Wingate
  200. Rowan Schofield
  201. Roy Widgery
  202. Sally Birch
  203. Sally Brooks
  204. Sally Pickering
  205. Sam Gowing
  206. Sarah C Jones
  207. Sarah Dixon
  208. Sasha Josette
  209. Shani Wills
  210. Sharon Baker
  211. Simon Jacobson
  212. Sophie Guthrie
  213. Stephen Lydon
  214. Steve Hunter
  215. Steven Naumann
  216. Steven Palmer
  217. Sue Oppenheimer
  218. Susan Roberts
  219. Susan Turner
  220. Tamsin Morris
  221. Tarra Gilder-Rai
  222. Teresa Casey
  223. Thomas Brown
  224. Tina Cowan
  225. Tom Lowrie
  226. Val Saunders
  227. Valerie Randell

Varda Zisman

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