Our approach

We have been informed that a prominent member of the “Stroud Freedom Group” and “Info Hub” has received personal threats.

We have not seen these threats so we can’t comment on the content. We are aware that The Light “newspaper” contains a great deal of material that many people find offensive, including a defence of a Holocaust denier, platforming of racists, fascist and homophobes, climate change denial, medical misinformation and support for commentators who have threatened NHS workers.

We would like to take this opportunity to state categorically that anonymous personal threats, of any nature, do not form any part of our group’s strategy to call out the far-right propaganda that is carried in The Light.

Our approach is to make public statements to inform and educate people about the nature of the content in The Light and the far-right organisations, individuals and ideas it features or signposts people toward. We also take the same approach when “Stroud Freedom Group” organise events with such individuals. We do not do this to threaten individuals, nor do we seek to censor or cancel people, only to utilise our freedom of speech in the hope others will think carefully about these issues, and – based on an improved understanding – choose to reject The Light.

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